Sunsama x Toggl Track


You can now track time in Toggl straight from Sunsama. Whenever you start and stop a timer or complete a task in Sunsama, we’ll automatically update your time tracking logs in Toggl.  Based on a task’s channel in Sunsama, Sunsama can automatically set the workspace, client, project, and tags on each timer entry.

Why we built it

Toggl is the best-in-class solution for time tracking reports.

One of the reasons we’re most excited about the Toggl integration is that it makes it really easy for any Sunsama user to get sophisticated insights about how they’re spending their time by just creating a free-tier Toggl account and linking it to their Sunsama.

In a perfect world, Sunsama would have sophisticated time tracking and reporting features, like Toggl. When we’re unable to support high quality built-in features, we think it’s important to integrate with the best-in-class products that do that.

If you’d like to get deeper analytics on how you are spending your time, follow this guide on “Using Toggl for Time Analytics.”

With this setup, you’ll be able to:

  • Generate custom reports on where you are spending your time, and not be limited by Sunsama’s “Weekly Analytics.”
  • Automatically create calendar events on your Google or Outlook calendar based on time tracking logs in Toggl using Zapier. This helps you understand when you are actually working.

Tracking your time twice sucks.

For Sunsama customers using Toggl, it’s a real pain to run multiple timer tools or retroactively create timer entries. It crowds out your screen and it’s more things to manage and remember. Sunsama’s Toggl integration gives you precise time tracking in Toggl without ever needing to open up Toggl during the work day. Just use Sunsama normally and all your rich time tracking data flows into Toggl.

One timer to rule them all.

We want Sunsama’s Focus Bar and Focus Mode to be your one-stop shop for all your “timer” based tools.

When you run a timer in Sunsama, via the Focus Bar or Focus Mode, Sunsama can automatically pause notifications in Slack and Microsoft Teams and update your status to let colleagues know you are heads down. And now, we’ll automatically update Toggl too.

If there are other tools you’d want to automatically update as you start and stop timers in Sunsama, just drop us a note!

How it works

The Toggl integration works silently in the background. All you’ve got to do is install it and then check off Sunsama tasks or run timers and your time tracking information will start to flow into Toggl. You can also configure channel synchronizations, to automatically tag time tracking entries with a specific workspace, project, client, tags based on a task’s channel in Sunsama.

Add the integration.

Head to your workspace settings in Sunsama, navigate to Toggl, and add the integration. You’ll need to copy your API Key from Toggl and paste it into Sunsama to give Sunsama access to your Toggl integration.

Configure how Sunsama should update Toggl.

You can map each channel in Sunsama to a specific project, client, or set of tags in Toggl. This way, you don’t need to manually categorize timer entries later.

If you don’t want to map individual channels, you can opt to let Sunsama send all your time tracking data to Toggl. We’ll automatically tag the task in Toggl with the same name as the channel in Sunsama.

Toggl settings panel in Sunsama

Run a timer or check off a task.

Now you just need to use Sunsama like you normally do and your timer tracking information will flow automatically into Toggl.

Hop into Toggl and run your reports.

That’s it. Now you can jump into Toggle and build reports and run all sorts of analytics.

Toggl analytics dashboard

If you need more help setting things up, check out our help center guide on using the Toggl Integration.

Additional workflows to explore

Track your timer logs right to your calendar via Toggl + Zapier

Once you get Toggl and Sunsama linked, you can use a tool like Zapier to automatically move time tracking logs on to your calendar. If you want to get a detailed visualization of when you are actually focused, this is a great option.

Check out these Zapier templates to set up this workflow for Google Calendar and Toggl and Microsoft Outlook and Toggl.

A few real customer use cases.

Check out these videos from Sunsama customers to see how they’re already using the Toggl integration.

From Devin:

We’re thrilled to launch the integration between Sunsama and Toggl, and we can’t wait to see how you’ll incorporate it into your workflow. We hope this integration enhances your productivity and time management. Enjoy!

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