Sunsama + Toggl

The Easiest Way to Track Your Time

Automatically track and update Toggl time logs, without ever leaving Sunsama. Our integration seamlessly syncs your Sunsama tasks to Toggl projects, clients, and tags, so you can focus more on work and less on tracking.

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Screenshot of a digital task management tool showing tasks scheduled for different weekdays.

Trusted by modern professionals, at modern companies

Time well spent, automatically tracked.

Stay focused and productive with Sunsama’s Focus Bar and Focus Mode, designed to keep you on task and remind you to take quality breaks.

An image of Sunsama integrating with Toggl

Use one tool

Plan your day and run your timers right from Sunsama. We’ll take care of getting all the data into Toggl.
An image of Sunsama's focus panel, with Google Chrome windows open behind

Stay focused on work

Track your time and stay focused with Sunsama’s Focus Mode, designed to keep you on task when you need it most.
An image of a Sunsama task syncing with Toggl projects

Stop doing data entry

Easily configure how tasks in Sunsama map to your projects, clients and tags in Toggl.
An image of Sunsama tasks syncing details to Toggl

Set it (up) and forget it.

The Toggl integration works silently in the background. As you start and stop timers, complete tasks, or update “actual time” time on your tasks we’ll automatically create or update entries in your Toggl account.

Here’s how to get started:

Connect your Toggl account with Sunsama - Go to your workspace settings in Sunsama and add your Toggl account.
Configure your channel automations - In your Toggl settings in Sunsama, you can configure how channels in Sunsama will map to project, clients, and tags in Toggl.
Start tracking - Start and stop a timer, or just check off a task to create your first time entry in Toggl.

Level up your time tracking game.

Whether you’re a freelancer working on client projects or a productivity enthusiast looking to get the most of your time, our Toggl integration has you covered.


Easily and automatically track time, create reports, and invoice, without the hassle.

Designers and Engineers

Spend less time tracking your time and more time creating.

Productivity Enthusiasts

Understand where your time goes, so you can do your best work, every day.

Track time, across every app.

With our Toggl integration, you can now track the time you spend on tasks from all of your apps. No more unaccounted for time — get the full picture, without the pain.

Google Calendar
Google Mail
Outlook Calendar
Outlook Email
Microsoft Teams
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